Comment 82583

By Sigma Cub (anonymous) | Posted November 05, 2012 at 06:49:03 in reply to Comment 82526

One hitch in all of this is that governments invariably apply stimulus in a way that immediately accelerates growth, thereby goosing employment and staving off precipitous drops. So you typically end up with a geyser of public money going to the first best option, what are judged to be "shovel-ready" projects. These are often doled out with a view to political even-handedness more than needs-based or long-range criteria. While support for the status-quo seems to be prevalent (and there may even be compelling psychological reasons for this choice), that shouldn't preclude alternatives from contention. If Hamilton had laid sufficient groundwork for LRT in the early 2000s, we might be working on the B route today.

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