Comment 82468

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted October 31, 2012 at 10:44:10 in reply to Comment 82460

Efficient transit is a fundamental requirement of moving into the 21st century. The stadium is a luxury. Aerotropolis is a simple case of feeding the pockets of land speculators who have been expecting windfall up there for 20+ years.

We need to attract high end jobs to our core, and make it dense and efficient. This has to include attracting residents. And good transit, good bike infrastructure, good walkability and livable neighbourhoods are absolutely necessary. They are not negotiable in the "post industrial future". So we either build it now or we build it later or we completely fail as a city. The sooner we do it, the cheaper it is and the sooner we start to reap benefits.

Instead, we put these things off and do asinine things like build roundabouts in farmland, approve cloverleaf intersections where all we need is a stoplight and fight the province on land use planning in order to convert an area the size of the entire bay to industrial use for industrial users that will never ever arrive (aerotropolis for anyone who doesn't recognize the reference).

LRT is not a luxury. It is not a single project that will "change Hamilton". But it has to be part of a greater strategy that we start implementing IMMEDIATELY.

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