Comment 82202

By don't shoot the messenger (anonymous) | Posted October 25, 2012 at 14:22:45

I am just a little confused here...
Someone on their own initiative is proposing to actually build something in Hamilton, and people are finding only the negatives?

I thought we wanted more residential in the core.
I thought we wanted a grocery store (notwithstanding J.Square proposal).
I thought we wanted a mix of commercial and residential, so people can live near their work, etc.

Let's just pause for a second.

Okay, so yes, we may lose some old building facades - but not everything old is able to be saved. Don't blame owner's becuase buildings were neglected for 100 years unless they were the owners for the whole time(even so, the owners said they would hear proposals with external funding to preserve them)

Why are we spending such energy opposing someone who is attempting to building something (pretty darn near exactly what we need)? Shouldn't we be spending more energy on the people who are continually sitting on vacant land (surface parking lots & derilict buildings) until others (such as Blanchard et al.) raise property values. Those parasitic land owners are the real problem in Hamilton - let's not lose sight of that.

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