Comment 82163

By jason (registered) | Posted October 25, 2012 at 09:39:30 in reply to Comment 82150

that downtown loop idea is quite good! I've long felt that our first phase of LRT should go from McMaster to the West Harbour, then extend it to Ottawa St, then Eastgate. Doing that loop and the first phase of B-line would be great...only negative I can foresee is the cost of your loop. Instead of the trains running both directions on one street, all the infrastructure costs are now spread over the entire length of the loop...basically doubling the amount of underground facilities etc.....maybe the loop could run from St Joes along James, left at Hunter, right at Bay to the GO Station and back on the same route? This keeps all construction of the tracks on the same streets.

Comment edited by jason on 2012-10-25 09:39:53

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