Comment 81980

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted October 19, 2012 at 12:14:04

Finished a more detailed report on how things went at council...

As for whether this issue's getting the attention it's due, I'd say that it's getting more than I expected. It's only recently started popping up in the local news, and so far a rather small group of people have been making some large waves. These things take time to build up and filter through, and for most this is the first they're hearing about it. Also, it needs to be said, that this struggle (and this comment thread) so far has no Bob Young-style villain to really inflame opposition tensions. So far the project is proceeding very quietly in small pieces and taking care not to engage with opponents - probably wise given how things went with the Keystone XL and Northern Gateway.

If this is something you think should be an issue, then make it one. Cities are defined not just by how they respond collectively to local issues, but also broader national and international questions. If we're really a "major league" city, then we'll have something to contribute to a national discussion. Say what you want about Hamilton's meagre efforts to raise this issue so far, they've gone a lot further than activists in nearby cities have managed (K-W, GTA, etc) Doesn't that, alone, say something about Hamilton?

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