Comment 81923

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted October 18, 2012 at 11:28:52 in reply to Comment 81898

I think you missed my sarcasm...

If you read all of my comments, you'll see that my main problem with helmets (And laws mandating them) is that their actual abilities are grossly overestimated. We need to be realistic about what these styrofoam hats can actually do for us. The honest answer is that they do very little. So mandating them is an extreme waste of time and resources. And I argue that even talking about them is a waste of time.

Why aren't we talking about something like... foam padded dashboards in cars? I mean, in a minor accident they might save you from a scrape and a bruise. But of course it would be a waste of time to discuss it because we all know that such a safety measure would do nothing for you in an actual collision with another vehicle at anything greater than walking speeds.

Yet this is about the same level of protection offered by foam helmets but here we are fighting about whether we should talk about them.

Give me a separated two way bike lane on King from Bay to McMaster and another on Main from McMaster to Gage Park if you care about my safety so damned much.

Comment edited by seancb on 2012-10-18 12:35:11

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