Comment 81512

By Frankenrogers (registered) | Posted October 12, 2012 at 09:49:00

I wasn't interested at all in CBC Hamilton and I'm still not convinced how much it was needed, but I do check it out regularly. It's a nice add-on, but isn't filling any particular holes. The same issues or people that post here, or that get covered in Hamilton Magazine, The Spec's Biz supplement, or are part of the #HamOnt discussion on Twitter are the same people/things that you read about there.

One thing that I don't understand is how their Twitter feeds work on that map on the home page. It seems like the same three people get covered all the time regardless of the post. For example, the post could say, "Yum. Pizza time with my nieces" and it shows up under the Talk flag if it is written by SSeagrams or GorillaCheese.

The Spec was going to create something similar so I would be interested in how they would differentiate themselves.

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