Comment 81422

By jason (registered) | Posted October 05, 2012 at 02:38:32

Just spent a week in Portland...much more land area and spread out than Hamilton, yet bike lanes everywhere, LRT expanding all the time...also a TON of one-way streets. Yet none are dangerous freeways. All of them are complete streets like this:

Parking, 2 traffic lanes and a buffered bike lane. Hamilton needs to do this ASAP on Cannon, Queen, Catharine, Wilson and Main.

Here's another, housing great cafes, patios, homes and schools....

We need complete streets in Hamilton, and we need them now.

I experienced the amazing sight of Portlands neighbourhood greenways today. Incredible to see a few small changes turn a typical, quiet residential side street into a complete street that gives cyclists a safe route around town.

This is no tourism promo picture...I saw scenes like this all through SE Portland today with my own eyes when school let out:

Streets like Dunsmure, Central, Napier, Barnesdale, Cumberland, George etc.... are perfect candidates for this still have easy access, yet cyclists are also given easy access. You are exactly right...leadership. We have virtually none.

One final neighbourhood element: murals with waterproof paint at intersections on streets like all the ones I just mentioned:

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