Comment 81204

By Haruspex (anonymous) | Posted September 24, 2012 at 11:59:30

When it comes to committed funding, is Hamilton on the books for anything at all?

? ? ? ? ? ?

TORONTO, June 14, 2010 /CNW/ - Metrolinx has received approval of its 5 in 10 Plan, which will see all of the Big 5 transit projects completed over the next 10 years....

The Big Move identified 15 priority projects across the GTHA. Funding has been committed and work has begun on several of these: extending the Spadina subway through York University to the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre; building a dedicated busway along the 403 in Mississauga; and, linking Pearson Airport and Union Station by rail in time for the Pan Am Games. The Big Move also identified improving Union Station as a priority action, and a major revitalization of this facility, Canada's busiest transportation hub, has also broken ground.

On April 1, 2009, the province announced the largest transit investment in Canadian history, $9.5 billion, to the "Big 5" priority projects drawn from The Big Move's top 15 list. The Big 5 are four light rail transit (LRT) lines in the City of Toronto totalling $8.15 billion, plus an investment of $1.35 billion in Viva bus rapid transit (BRT) improvements in York Region."

Seems like that's the Metrolinx to-do list through 2020. ("Root around under couch cushions for spare change" being unstated but understood.) Have we ever had confirmation on anything to the contrary?

Again, I don't know. But I thought I would ask.

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