Comment 81198

By Haruspex (anonymous) | Posted September 24, 2012 at 09:06:44

Could Toronto be further along in the planning process than Hamilton, and therefore better placed in terms of legerage?

Could there be more Liberal ridings in Toronto than in Hamilton?

Could transit be a more accepted topic of mature political debate in Toronto than Hamilton?

Could transit be a more critical component of the economy of Toronto than it is of Hamilton?

Could Toronto have more socioeconomic mojo than Hamilton?

Would the HSR willingly concede power to a Toronto-based competitor with a superior product, knowing that they would potentially eviscerate their nominal business model if and when the most high-capacity (and possibly the only cost-effective) routes in the city -- those along the B-Line corridor -- lose passengers/fares to LRT? And would that in turn imperil the remainder of the city's transit network, by virtue of making it a bottomless pit for taxpayer dollars, and hence political pinata?

I don't know. But I thought I would ask.

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