Comment 81032

By highwater (registered) | Posted September 19, 2012 at 12:04:04 in reply to Comment 81026

Yes, those things will benefit the entire city, but the problem is, the people who are invested in one-ways will never believe that reversions will help bring these things about.

You can hear the rebuttals now:

  • reversions will cost millions and do nothing for the tax base. We spend all our money on the downtown and it keeps getting worse.

  • Barton St.

  • They should just bulldoze the entire lower city and start all over again

  • people have always driven cars and always will drive cars

  • Barton St.

  • Barton St.

  • I don't care what your stats say, I know for a fact that the conversions of James and John have turned downtown into a post-apocalyptic dystopia, and I am forced to drive to Kitchener to get my passport renewed.

  • Why should my hard-earned tax dollars support people who are too lazy to afford a car, and elitist hipsters who want to ban all cars and ride around on their fixies?

  • Barton St.

The trick isn't convincing them that the results will benefit them, it's convincing them that reversions will achieve those results.

Comment edited by highwater on 2012-09-19 12:53:32

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