Comment 80932

By Chris Angel (registered) | Posted September 14, 2012 at 14:20:04 in reply to Comment 80716

Please allow me to second the thought that "Many people have come on this forum and attempted to point out the short comings in how this forum advocates change but they are often labelled "concern trolls" (how about losing that dismissive and condescending BS to start with) or simply voted down for difference of opinion." It totally pervades this publication and having experienced this first hand I too have drawn attention to it. The response was a systemic and rapid vote down by some who must live here and of course an endless barrage of dismissive and condescending responses. That will win over a person or is it drive them away? One seems as good as the other most of the time when one dast declare an opinion not in lock step with 2-way conversion or stadium location or ............

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