Comment 80851

By -Hammer- (registered) | Posted September 11, 2012 at 19:53:14 in reply to Comment 80810

My street is already one way, and I live downtown, but please continue to generalize.

Those streets should not be converted because not only are they major through fares, but you also are required to spend a LOT of money converting the nearby Clairmont access. One of the reasons I moved here is because I can go down Main easily when I drive and walk or bike down trails or side streets when I walk or bike. Hence why other conversions I support.

Seriously, trying to tie street conversion directly to code red is a lame argument at best. I'll agree two way streets can make an area more liveable, but not to the point of reversing abject poverty and magically resolving high amount of people in poverty because of drugs or disability. One needs only look at how much stable development is present surrounding the LINC to see that thoroughfares have benefits as well and that there is a need for them.

Instead of trying to find a workable compromise, and actually accomplish worthwhile conversions slowly (like a full conversion of York, Queen, Cathrine, Charlton, Herkimer, Wentworth, Sanford or Hunter) far too many just simply repeat the same mantra of Two Way Good, One Way Bad all must convert NOW!

Comment edited by -Hammer- on 2012-09-11 20:00:44

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