Comment 80810

By jason (registered) | Posted September 10, 2012 at 21:20:03 in reply to Comment 80809

why don't residents of those streets deserve a better quality of life? Can we convert your street to one-way?? Sad to see the upper class ring around Hamilton dump on the poorest neighbourhoods once again, all so they can save a few minutes driving time. How does a person ever degrade to the point of believing their 3 minutes is more important than assisting the poorest by improving their every-day quality of life? 50% of people in my hood don't own a car. Clark and Fergusons 3 or 4 extra minutes in their warm, convenient car is really more important than giving these kids safer streets to walk and cycle on as their ONLY mode of transport?? We say we need mixed-income in these neighbourhoods to help break the curse of Code Red...why would a higher income person move to a dangerous, noisy, life-sucking freeway unless they have to?? And the only way they would have to is if a financial crisis hits them...taking them out of the upper income tier and down into lower level...thereby perpetuating the poverty cycle. Seems like a huge part of the city loves code red and wants to keep it that way. Sad

Comment edited by jason on 2012-09-10 21:22:34

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