Comment 80806

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted September 10, 2012 at 10:53:42 in reply to Comment 80801

So you are using a fringe case (a completely closed intersection) to argue against two way conversion as if the mayhem of an intersection closure is a regular occurrence? How does that make any sense?

When streets get shut down due to accidents, a two way network relieves the mayhem because there are far more alternatives allowing you to get around the incident.

A full closure at the bottom of a mountain access is not something we should be planning our entire transportation system to accommodate.

As for Herkimer and Queen, the crossing would be far less nerve wracking if Queen was not built for speed and we removed the freeway style turning ramps. If the volume requires a light, then one can be installed.

Why is it in Hamilton, these little "problems" are show stoppers but we somehow managed to cut two highways through our city and build all of that infrastructure without declaring an engineering emergency...

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