Comment 80795

By Chevron (anonymous) | Posted September 09, 2012 at 17:27:34 in reply to Comment 80475

Looking more closely at this, I'm struck by the fact that Durand (ie. CT 5370039/ CT 5370038) is almost entirely made up of one-way streets. It seems as if only four streets (Caroline, Hess, Jackson and James) are two-way. Every other street in those tracts seems to be one-way.

Beasley has two-way on at least 10 streets (James, John, Wilson, Ferguson, Barton, Cathcart, Walnut, Kelly, Robert, Elgin and Murray, plus most of King William). Central has two-way on more than a dozen streets (James, York, Market, Napier, Vine, Mulberry, Sheaffe, Colbourne, Tiffany, Murray, Peter, Sheaffe, Railway, plus parts of Macnab, Caroline and Bay). And both of those neighbourhoods have about half the population density of Durand.

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