Comment 80788

By ScreamingViking (registered) | Posted September 09, 2012 at 03:00:29

Watched that video again. What does it really reflect? Positivity of the day, or a last gasp try to revive some?

I often wonder what happened 30-some years ago. A city that seemed to hold some enthusiasm for the future lost it, and ambition turned to subsistence. The recession of the early-80s hit hard and the local economy took some body blows as heavy industry closed or shrank. And city leadership morphed from looking ahead to what could be, to simply looking after what was here. Was it really that simple? Leading to two decades in the doldrums, followed by another of political dust-settling after amalgamation?

I don't want to dwell on the past, because there's no changing it. But seriously, what do people here think? I've got a certain perspective of it given my education as an urban geographer, but that's all based on looking at a past I wasn't old enough to understand as it unfolded.

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