Comment 80774

By jaluo (anonymous) | Posted September 08, 2012 at 06:10:02

you only need to work in dubai for a brief period like i did to understand the true extent of vanity, arrogance and indifference of the locals. They act like they are doing you a big favour but they suck your blood to the last drop and pay you peanuts.The locals are a very lazy, idle and perverted lot. The hang around malls and hotel lobbies seeking prostitutes and gawking at people's wives. They stare and attempt usually wuthout much success to attract women (and cute men!). one should only go to Dubai if they have absolutely no alternative plan. And the weather really sucks its tooo hot,humid, dusty. its really a fascade! racism is institutionalised and their hypocritical religious pretense deplorable. You will see many pretending to be religious by day while being bullies and whoremongers by night. Is it really worth it? i dont think so. Go work there if you dont believe me. It a waste of peoples lives.

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