Comment 80757

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted September 07, 2012 at 20:13:29 in reply to Comment 80755

The Main Street north-side offramp could probably be reconstructed into a T-intersection since the spot where it meets the road is all on the ground. The King onramp towards Brantford would be the really hard one... its possible that the freakishly-wide ramp could be done as an intersection, but that would still be tight and tricky. And of course, the other two ramps merge into the right-side of traffic.

In general it's a bad design to start with - cities that have proper T-intersections where the expressway ramps meet traffic are slower but don't have the mayhem of OMGGOTTAGETOVER that we have on King/Main, and are less deathtrappy at the pedestrian crossings... but it is what it is and you're right that we can't completely throw out the ramps and rebuild, especially now after they're just finishing off the OMG neverending maintenance rebuild.

King might have to remain one-way forever though if we get LRT anyhow (don't hold your breath), since the plan for LRT is to run it on the South side of King. Two ways plus LRT isn't really doable... heck, any ways plus LRT isn't really doable when you get into the International Village.

But obviously, 1-way on one bridge and 2-ways on the other bridge isn't exactly an ideal layout.

Comment edited by Pxtl on 2012-09-07 20:13:58

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