Comment 80724

By jason (registered) | Posted September 07, 2012 at 13:07:17 in reply to Comment 80720

I think we need to just keep hammering away. Dont' waste your time trying to convince Joe Blow in Ward 6 or 8.

I mean they have councillors sitting there with a straight face saying things like "James South hasn't improved being 2-way" and "If it's good for downtown it's probably good for all of us, but I'm opposed".

James Street could become the next Queen West and they'll all still say it sucks and is dead and they'll never come down. Our hope in seeing change doesn't lie with the 1950's crowd. Ignore them and move onto the ones who matter - city council AND staff. Despite being too swayed by the desire for re-election, they are all actually very smart and quite level-headed folks. Days like yesterday don't back up this view, but whatever. I'm sure being able to dialogue with them and show them the lack of disaster from a transportation perspective on John, James and York will help them to see past their constituent rhetoric.

Keep sending emails...thoughtful, smart emails like the first 83. Save the hyperbole for CHML and other dying media outlets. Council is responsible for the city, not a radio host or west mountain granny. Once we help council see that complete streets are actually good for all of us, they'll get on board. They always do.

Comment edited by jason on 2012-09-07 13:07:41

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