Comment 80720

By highwater (registered) | Posted September 07, 2012 at 12:33:58 in reply to Comment 80716

What about all the hyperbole around the howls of GRIDLOCK!! we hear every time this subject comes up. We cannot have a rational discussion about this issue as long as this delusional perception about the traffic situation in this city persists, and that's not the fault of the 'usual suspects'. I'm not about to get too exercized about what Dreschel and DiIanni have to say about two-way advocates. They are pundits who fancy themselves reasonable moderates, so of course they are going to try to create a false equivalency between the arguments of two-way proponents and the claims of gridlock coming from status quo supporters.

BTW, one of the folks kindly pointing out our 'short-comings' recently, made the claim that Toronto's "traffic doesn't move, the streetcars don't move, the buses don't move, the firetrucks don't move..." When called on it, s/he stated "Traffic moves some of the time, but one accident anywhere downtown and the system grinds to a halt."

Please, tell me again, who is engaging in hyperbole?

Comment edited by highwater on 2012-09-07 13:27:20

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