Comment 80712

By Jay Robb (anonymous) | Posted September 07, 2012 at 11:48:51

There are 1,600 businesses downtown that employ 23,400 people. I'm guessing not all of these folks live where they work. Advocates need to engage with this group and have them serve as ambassadors back in their neighbourhoods. This group has a vested interest in making Hamilton an even better place to live, work, play and shop.

And how about the customers and clients of those 1,600 businesses?

Also need the developers on board (and this is a group that seem to have the ear of politicians). Walkable urban space is the next hot real estate market. Downtown has great bones and we'll likely see an influx of Toronto commuters once all-day GO starts up in Hamilton.

That's how I'd broaden support beyond the usual suspects and frame as an economic development opportunity.

Councillors will get behind this is if it's a win with their constituents.

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