Comment 80687

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted September 07, 2012 at 09:47:15 in reply to Comment 80683

The safety aspect has been studied and presented over and over.

Their counter argument was on full display last night - Clark "heard from a paramedic" that the two way streets slowed down an ambulance.

There are some people that try to claim that one-ways are safer for pedestrians because you only have to look one way before crossing the street. The councillors take their word as science.

Some studies show one way streets to be safer - but these studies are generally conducted on slower moving neighbourhood streets - or streets located out in the boonies where there are no pedestrians (i.e. they are only safer for fast moving vehicles). And our councillors blindly apply those results to Main, Cannon, Bay, Queen, etc.

It is not selfish to want to make positive changes in your own neighbourhood even if it means causing inconvenience to those who pass through it. This kind of thing is standard in every other ward - installing stop signs to slow down through traffic, restricting turns at some intersections, disallowing methadone clinics etc.

The only difference is that all of the rest of the city views downtown as a depository for their shit rather than a neighbourhood with the same rights as the rest of the city.

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