Comment 80667

By ThisIsOurHamilton (registered) - website | Posted September 07, 2012 at 05:47:51

I'd been there yesterday for the Santucci delegation presentation, but that was disquieting enough for me to have lost my ardour -if not my stomach- to stick around. So I wasn't at Council Chambers for the one-way reversion part of the proceedings.

After lengthy debate, councillors approved a watered-down version of McHattie’s motion that included much less aggressive language. “Implementation team” was changed to “study group,” while the group’s mandate to “systematically plan and implement” two-way streets was softened to “study and report on possible one-way conversions in the downtown area.

There's nothing surprising here. Not to me. Nor is the approach that some councillors took regarding 'what they're hearing/not hearing in their wards'. This was the same tack taken during the ward boundary review interlude. And it will continue ad nauseam on future issues. (I think we all know where this effort will end up; at best pushed back to the 2014 term.)

Still, I do believe there is another approach to be considered, one that includes a proposal I got a brief whiff of last night after a long conversation with the manager of the Corktown.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

Comment edited by ThisIsOurHamilton on 2012-09-07 05:48:18

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