Comment 80651

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted September 06, 2012 at 20:16:42

This was a pathetic display of local democracy failing us. 80 letters for and 4 against, and all of the councillors outside of lower hamilton basically said that they "appreciated" where we were coming from and "support" the local residents but were unwilling to support the motion because of some made up anecdotal citizens' opposition. If there was true citizen opposition, then the other 12 wards of the city should easily have generated 81 negative responses.

Clark was especially obtuse with hyperbole and hearsay "evidence" of a paramedic telling him that they have been delayed getting to hospitals because of the two way streets. And some garbage about CEOs hating two way streets. This from a councillor who is generally very particular about accuracy and fairness.

I'm tired of people from winona telling me what the street I live on should look like.

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