Comment 80646

By jason (registered) | Posted September 06, 2012 at 18:12:14

If we were 80 residents sending in letters to oppose a perfectly legal condo building in Dundas, council would side with the local rep and send it back to staff. If we were 80 residents sending letters complaining about noisy air conditioner units in Ancaster, council would side with the local rep and send it back to staff.

City Hall functions under the premise of the local councillors being given priority when it comes to issues in their wards. Ferguson says he wasn't consulted on the proposed two-way conversions. None of us were consulted on the multi-million renovation of Wilson St in Ancaster.

Tom Jackson said his residents ask him if he's lost his marbles when he supports a two-way conversion. He needs to ask them if they lost their marbles when they fled the lower city for a ward with NO one-way streets. Unless there's the odd tiny one, I can't find any large one-way streets in his entire ward. In other words, ALL of these so-called residents asking him this question LIVE and DRIVE on two-way streets. Is it so hard for a councillor to show leadership instead of letting someone with such flawed logic dictate how we vote on crucial issues that have ALL the experts on one side, and all of his two-way street dwelling residents on the other?

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