Comment 80610

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted September 06, 2012 at 12:50:25 in reply to Comment 80519

Actually, I find the price of parking downtown frustratingly expensive as a shopper. If I want to stay downtown for the day? Cheap as water. $5 or less to park for the full day. For folks working downtown, that's fantastic.

But what if I'm shopping downtown? What if I'm going to the market and then out to lunch? That's where the situation isn't nearly as good. The lots basically max you out at the full day cost as soon as they can, and some of them even have a magic pricing system where they ding you twice if you happen to cross the threshold between "daytime" and "evening" pricing.

That's my frustration with downtown parking... we have a paradox where we have too much parking, but it still is overpriced for shoppers that will stimulate the downtown economy. The only thing that's actually well-priced for shoppers are the parking meters ($1 per hour) and because of the silly "free parking on the weekend" feature, they're completely unavailable as every bit of street-side parking is filled up on the weekends. That and they've only a 1-hour limit, which isn't exactly encouraging a leisurely exploratory shopping experience.

So yeah, Parking Meters YES. More YES. More lots with the parking meter pricing structure instead of going for the easy and safe and consistent daily money of full-day commuters.

Just bump them up to a 2-hour limit and I'm happy, and ditch the stupid "free(wait, correction)no parking on weekends" thing.

Comment edited by Pxtl on 2012-09-06 12:50:58

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