Comment 80594

By SouthsideBill (anonymous) | Posted September 06, 2012 at 10:03:02

Here is what it really means: Tenants are the problem. No tenant should be allowed to rent a residential property. Rentals should be confined to large, corporate apartment blocks managed by a team of real estate specialists. If you rent a property you don't care. By degrees all tenants don't care about the property. If they don't have any financial investment in said property why would they. Residential properties in cities should be owned by families bottom line. In south Sherman a group called Ward 3 Residents Association lead by Paul Tetley is leading a charge to drive all rentals out of the area. Some might disagree with this, but I live on Erie and believe me this will turn it into a Westdale Village without the students. Anyone who owns property will testify to this. Non owners destroy neighborhoods. Maybe stronger deposits would increase the pocket book of the author of this article, but certainly not the improvement of the area. IMHO

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