Comment 80513

By brendan (registered) | Posted September 05, 2012 at 17:31:42

kettal: You make a convincing argument, and I might revisit my thoughts about Main street in particular, but there are two points to raise that might blunt your concern:

1) Cnclr McHattie's motion only talks about the streets already identified in the transportation master plan. These are secondary streets like Queen and Herkimer, and their reversion will not significantly impact the traffic flow, but it will reduce speeds in residential and commercial areas, which will make cycling and walking far more palatable.

2) If someone showed me a plan to reduce Main and Cannon to just two, adequately wide lanes of one way traffic, with parking, bike lanes and wider sidewalks to fill the gap I would jump all over that. I guarantee that's not going to happen in this town. 2 way reversion seems to be the only game in town, and I'll take it over the community-killing status quo for another few decades.

You might argue that if the 2-way conversions cause too much grief, there won't be any will left to make the other critical improvements. I've learned that politics is about small victories, and you'd be surprised how fast a change becomes the new normal. We just need to keep pushing things in the right direction.

Comment edited by brendan on 2012-09-05 17:52:47

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