Comment 80507

By jason (registered) | Posted September 05, 2012 at 16:22:24 in reply to Comment 80500

I can't speak to Montreal, even thought I've been there several times I only recall seeing a few major 1-way street and they were really calmed, with minimal traffic lanes and lots of parking etc....

Portland's downtown is a perfect square with short blocks. Again, very calm one-ways exist there and the lights are timed to turn red at almost every block or two. The opposite of what we do here. Considering our downtown is largely strung out along King/Main and James we don't have the advantage of several intersections where one has bustling action in all directions. In our lifetime, I'd be thrilled to see just King and James come all the way back. Main might never. Our downtown being much smaller and skinnier seems to make the one-ways more awkward...not sure if that makes sense, but having lived in Portland, I can attest to the fact that much of their 1-way system works pretty well. Many streets have sidewalk width wider than the roadway.

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