Comment 80492

By John Neary (registered) | Posted September 05, 2012 at 14:40:12

As has been mentioned on other threads, while this proposal is wonderful for Wards 1 and 2, it can hardly be said to promote neighbourhood equity until Ward 3 gets included. In fact, one narrative that can be taken from this is that Ward 2 -- even historically disadvantaged neighbourhoods like North End, Beasley, Corktown, and Stinson -- is finally starting to get some respect from the city, whereas Ward 3 is not. So Ward 2 gets to join the privileged communities (to a very minor extent), and Ward 3 continues to get screwed.

I say this as a Beasley resident who couldn't be happier for my own neighbourhood. But if I lived in Landsdale I'd be fuming, and I wouldn't see any neighbourhood equity here.

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