Comment 80349

By Bricoleur (anonymous) | Posted September 02, 2012 at 11:23:14 in reply to Comment 80346

"Lower City" is obviously much larger than "Downtown", but it tends to be just as politically disenfranchised. Wards 2 and 3 in particular have historically had some of the worst voter turnout in the city (though it improved markedly in the last election, it was still worse than anywhere but 14, which was arguably dampened by an acclamation), and 1 and 4 are generally not much better. If your ward can't summon 10,000+ to the polls, (a club that includes 5-8, 11 & 12) its concerns seem to get short shrift.

I wouldn't deny anyone the freedom to live where they want -- family dynamics vary -- but when it comes to the chicken and egg question of downtown, urbanists might give thought to where they fit in.

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