Comment 80330

By Kevin Love (anonymous) | Posted September 01, 2012 at 17:03:51 in reply to Comment 80323

I believe that Hamilton's downtown should be car-free.


Because of the lethal poisons in car pollution. Hamilton's air quality is already seriously compromised by heavy industry. I don't want myself and my children to be poisoned by car drivers.

I note that Toronto's Medical Officer of Health, Dr. David McKeown, reports that car drivers poison and kill 440 people in that city every year. And they poison and injure 1,700 people so seriously that they have to be hospitalized.

Children are particularly vulnerable to being poisoned by car drivers. Children in Toronto experience 1,200 acute bronchitis episodes per year and 68,000 asthma symptom days. All due to being poisoned by car drivers.

His report may be found here:

There is nothing magical about Hamilton's air that makes my children immune from these deadly poisons. That is why I have zero tolerance of people administering lethal poisons to my innocent children.

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