Comment 80324

By Loco-Motive Breath (anonymous) | Posted September 01, 2012 at 09:25:01 in reply to Comment 80257

The LRT BB - Little Rudder's Turn with Billions to Burn

"While our city did lose its historical economic base like many cities, our city's core issue is that we have yet to develop a meaningful economic alternative that can carry its population upwards - equally. Our education/medical complex remarkable as it is, simply fails to spread prosperity broadly and equitably. This is not going to get any better in time, it will only get worse, and which will in turn increase the economic and social gaps in our city. Add to this the exponential growth of our service industry that is thriving on social experimentation of the disenfranchised, and we have the makings of a massive economic vortex that will suck in all the capital both human and financial, with much churning at the top and very little to show for, at the bottom."

Exactly! And the reason for this? We do not treat each other as human beings, persons or people; we've created descriptive terms that churn us into sheeple. We have become: cyclists, pedestrians, drivers, victims, patients, survivors, consumers, sellers and buyers. We have forsaken our in-common denominators!

Food, water, clothing and shelter; these are the things that everyone needs and they must be of the highest quality to keep people healthy and happy in our city. And should we see anyone who is lacking, we must use our trim tabs and start tacking... Man overboard, hard to port! This standard should be starboard as our first resort.

Thanks for sharing and being a good sport.


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