Comment 80288

By Simon (registered) - website | Posted August 31, 2012 at 10:51:51 in reply to Comment 80252

The engineering argument can also be applied to cyclists.

Road networks are designed for cars not bikes. Traffic lights, stop signs, etc are all designed to control the flow of vehicular traffic - strict control of movements, and rigid rules because errors are severe and it's difficult to know what is going on all around a vehicle while you are driving. If roads were designed for cyclists - there would be round-a-bouts and yield signs because without a steel shell, cyclists have a much better awareness of their surroundings, and the consequences of errors are much less.

Therefore, it may be taboo to come right out and say it - but I don't stop my bike at stop signs, because stop signs are for vehicular traffic, and I feel safe slowing to a reasonable speed and blowing through. If I have good sight lines, hell, I might not even slow down.

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