Comment 80252

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted August 30, 2012 at 16:35:03 in reply to Comment 80251

Good catch: when drivers are constantly screaming about those irresponsible cyclists not stopping at stop signs, I didn't realize what they really meant was: cyclists should stop, but everyone knows that for motorists they're just a suggestion. And there is yet another one of those angry letters to the editor in the Spec today

From the Star article:

'The vast majority of even our drivers treat stop signs as yield signs, anyway.'

The double standard is breath-taking, especially when you realize that the motorist not stopping poses a far greater risk to other road users than the cyclist, who weighs over 10 times less and has much better visbility (not to mention that it takes much more effort for a cyclist to come to a complete stop at every stop sign)!

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2012-08-30 16:38:28

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