Comment 80241

By LOL all over again (anonymous) | Posted August 30, 2012 at 14:08:17

Motorized vehicles are the most dangerous on the road and are already the most heavily watched ticketed and fined of all the users. This is not to say that enforcement cannot be enhanced. I would like to see some kind of special constable hired by the police with the lone job of enforcing the HTA. They would not be police officers in the full sense of the word and would not be used to investigate a burglary or accident. They could be paid less and actually be a revenue generator for the city or the province whoever hires them.

I have no problem with photo radar but even more effective is enforcement with unmarked police vehicles. After a driver sees 5 or 6 different kinds of cars have pulled other drivers over any car can be a police car and causes better driving.

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