Comment 80221

By Kiely (registered) | Posted August 30, 2012 at 11:59:03

The one issue I have with "speed traps" is you don't actually catch the real bad drivers with them, (i.e., tailgaters, lane-weavers, aggressive drivers, oblivious drivers, etc...) you need to actually be in traffic with those offenders to catch them. So speed traps will catch the odd person going ridiculously fast but a lot of the time they catch the person doing 95 in an 80 or 65 in a 50 or the guy that missed the school zone sign or the two block portion of the street where the speed limit drops from 60 to 50(the classic money grab speed trap).

Speed traps are a lazy form of enforcement often setup where they are convenient and profitable not where they are most needed.

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