Comment 80122

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted August 28, 2012 at 17:28:21 in reply to Comment 80120

Once again, the benefits case analysis (BCA) specifically compared LRT with BRT and found LRT had a significantly larger net benefit.

There are many reasons why LRT, although more expensive than BRT, is a more prudent investment. This is why many other cities are investing in LRT and Ottawa is now trying to move away from BRT on newer projects. The BRT v LRT has been extensively discussed here and elsewhere over the past five years.

I do agree, however, that Metrolinx's cost estimates are very high. Grenoble (France) is currently building its fifth line at a cost of $33 million per km,, about five times cheaper than Metrolinx's estimates for the Crosstown LRT in Toronto.

Given that French labour and raw materials costs are higher (and the street layout is often more challenging), it is mystery why Metrolinx's estimates are so much higher.

Note that greater Grenoble has a population slightly smaller than Hamilton's...and they've been regularly expanding their LRT network since the first line opened in 1987 because of the obvious economic benefits it's brought.

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2012-08-28 17:30:35

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