Comment 80064

By jason (registered) | Posted August 25, 2012 at 10:42:07 in reply to Comment 80060

actually, LRT is proven to reap huge returns on investment. Tax revenue skyrockets as businesses start investing along the routes and near the stations. Don't be fooled by the 'experts' at city hall who always tell us that businesses don't want congestion, but instead want free-flowing highways like Cannon and Main. It's bunk. If it was true, businesses would be killing each other to locate on Cannon and Main....instead, they are falling all over themselves to find any suitable space to shoehorn themselves in on Queen and King in Toronto. They'd rather have an obscure, 4th floor, down long hallways location on Queen West than have prime street frontange on Main St in Hamilton...or on Adelaide or Richmond in TO if you prefer a straight-up apples to apples comparison.

Business wants vibrancy, people, interactions and when I say congestion I don't mean gridlock or traffic at a standstill...I mean something more akin to James North or Queen West. Hamilton city hall is 100% wrong on this issue, and would see massive tax income coming their way by investing in a proper LRT system across the city and bringing balance back to our downtown streets. Even our two-way conversions are done wrong. Wilson and Cannon should be parking on both sides, bike lanes both ways and 1 lane each direction for cars. Instead we convert Wilson to 4 live lanes, 2-way and as a result traffic still roars through downtown during rush hour. The status quo sure isn't working...even the biggest hater/squelcher can't deny that.

Comment edited by jason on 2012-08-25 10:44:10

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