Comment 79796

By Shempatolla (registered) - website | Posted August 14, 2012 at 22:25:16 in reply to Comment 79792

I would think that the response areas do not follow ward boundaries. The NFPA standard for first in trucks is within 4 minutes 90% of the time. Second in apparatus (I'm ballparking because its been a while since I've read the document) in 6 or 7 minutes 80% of the time.
So if you can picture Pumper 9 getting from Kenilworth and Britannia to Sherman and Cumberland in 4 minutes, that isn't going to happen. As I said earlier, people who are way smarter than I am developed the criteria for apparatus location and numbers. Since I was a kid Station 6 has always had more than one apparatus. There was and is a valid reason for this.

I might also add, there are seveal old fire stations still in existence in the city that were closed in the 50s and 60s. One on Strathcona which I believe is now a Greek cultural center, and one on John St north which is now an auto mechanics shop I think. There could be more.

Comment edited by Shempatolla on 2012-08-14 22:27:34

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