Comment 79781

By Shempatolla (registered) - website | Posted August 14, 2012 at 17:24:29 in reply to Comment 79780

Stations 1 and 9 have the assigned apparatus in them for a reason. The criteria of their first in response area dictates it. This was also the case for Station 6. However your argument is the same one that Chief Simonds uses to rationalize the relocation of Rescue 6. As I have stated above, to a lay person this seems reasonable. But it doesn't work that way. The NFPA which is the recognized standard to which municipalities in North America strive to achieve and which insurance industries apply in assessing risk, uses formulas that give a template for appropriate coverage. This has been removed from Station 6. It's like taking a bandaid off of a cut on your hand to put it on one on your foot. You're still bleeding.

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