Comment 79665

By Shempatolla (registered) - website | Posted August 11, 2012 at 22:24:51

There is a very similarly constructed ex church in the area of Toronto I work in at Indian Rd and Grenadier Rd called The Abbey. It was converted to a condominium residence. Most if not all of the architectural features were preserved including stained glass in many of the suites. Frankly the conversion is spectacular and sadly this might be the only sensible reuse of the James St Church. It is a large space, well over 100 years old and the upkeep costs are not going to change and in fact will only increase for anyone buying the property. I don't think coffee shops, or music/theater venues will generate the type of cash flow required to keep such a building standing. However a well crafted condo conversion would not only save the structure, preserve an iconic Hamilton building, but also generate much needed tax revenue.

Comment edited by Shempatolla on 2012-08-11 22:25:48

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