Comment 796

By schmadrian (registered) | Posted August 13, 2006 at 21:00:05

Some intriguing suggestions and observations. But I still believe that (comparisons with Toronto notwithstanding, because it's apples and oranges regarding activity and density) the key to revitalising the downtown core is to get more people living there. Urban planning in Hamilton (read that as: focusing on the living spaces) seems to have been non-eixstent for the longest time, more energies spent on outward expansion to the 'burbs. It's very, very difficult to reverse the trend of 'outward cocooning'. Returning a city's vibrancy is not just a matter of bringing new retail businesses in. You also have to have the people to support them. And from what I've seen over the past year since returning to Hamiltonia...there ain't no 'there', there where the demographics are concerned.

And I found the comment about getting the (cars and) buses out of Gore to be hilarious. You want mass transit...but you don't want it in the -admittedly concentrated- downtown. What would your suggestion be, then?

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