Comment 79598

By Frequent user of Peter's Corners (anonymous) | Posted August 07, 2012 at 14:40:49


I for one am very much in favour of this much needed upgrade! I cannot believe the people on here that are commenting without any knowledge of this old outdated MAJOR intersection. There are three highways that come together here at very different angles, this is not your typical intersection. I drive through this intersection daily to get to and from work, I live in Ancaster, work in Cambridge. I have waited easily 15-20 minutes each morning waiting for the large traffic back-ups here. Cars turning from 52 onto 8 must first dangerously cross 5, I have witnessed numerous crashes here, and seen the results of fatal accidents. For the MANY MANY users of this intersection, 6M would be worth it, the safety and incrased capacity will be an investment for all for many years to come. I just shake my head that so many people in Hamilton can be so stupid about this matter. The entire council is corupt (I know this for a fact), then when one good thing gets done, such as this upgrade, you complain. Some people just cannot be happy, it makes me re-think moving to Hamilton, I feel that my IQ may have dropped just from being closer to the other commenters on this forum!

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