Comment 78999

By Summa (anonymous) | Posted June 29, 2012 at 08:20:12

Interesting idea, although it goes without saying that the City should be picking up the tab for any alterations that would have to take place in order to ensure that visitors would be able to pass through safely. Enough workers are injured in the line of work without adding tourists to the mix.

As a lifelong resident of the city I have no problem reconciling heavy industry and high technology, blue collar and white collar, artisan and academic. I feel no shame in any of it.

It is worth noting that Richard Florida has never enthused at length about Hamilton's ecological richness, its fizzy art scene or its abundant of convention capacity. But he has cheered on one of the city's steelmaking giants:

"The dichotomy between industrial and post-industrial service and manufacturing economies is a false one," he writes. "The distinction is between creative and routine work."

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