Comment 789

By zanis_e_v (registered) | Posted August 04, 2006 at 03:19:48

Great discussion (and great blog!) Two points I want to add: 1. As alluded to by other comments, rather than trying to decide on non-essential trips, just toll highways and access to the city centre. On smog days a 'smog premium' could be added to the regular toll. People can then decide for themselves how essential their trip is. Continuous tolling would do much to encourage mass transit/biking/not commuting.

  1. Consider de-monopolising and privatising mass transit. I think our current public transit companies are hold-overs from the days of streetcar routes (a kind of natural monopoly). Buses, vans, and cars are so cheap and flexible that providing mass transit privately would be easy (travelling in Africa has proven this to me). Privately provided mass transit I am absolutely sure would be economical and, more importantly, convenient.
  • Zanis

PS> I do not own a car

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