Comment 78879

By son of senior (anonymous) | Posted June 24, 2012 at 07:52:58 in reply to Comment 78875

The goals of seniors looking to move out of the house are
1. decent sized apartment
2. full time medical staff
3. cleaning service
4. close to friends family
5. close to home church (not downtown)
6. seniors complex activities
7. shuttles to shopping (no desire to have to walk to shop because frankly many can't)
8. large quiet outdoor recreation area ( not downtown
9. safe quiet neighbourhood (not downtown)
10. clean air (not downtown)

As you can see there really are no good reasons for seniors to want to move downtown when leaving their homes for a senior centre. As long as they are able to drive there is no reason they even want to leave their homes in most cases. I'm not sure that attracting seniors to the core is even possible, the majority of my parents friends don't want any part of living in the city

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