Comment 78817

By WreckDev (anonymous) | Posted June 22, 2012 at 12:17:58 in reply to Comment 78812

Downtown is home to young adults. Compared to Hamilton as a whole, Downtown has a greater proportion of residents in household forming years (20 to 34), fewer children and a similar proportion of seniors.

Downtown residents tend to be single people. 25% are married, 49% have never married (city-wide, the population is 50% married and 32% never married).

Downtown families are smaller. 49% of downtown families are couples without children at home (city-wide, that percentage is 35%). Average number of children at home per family: Downtown 0.9, City 1.2

Downtown households are smaller. Average persons per household: Downtown 1.7, City 2.5

Downtown housing is dominated by rental apartments. 86% of dwellings are rentals, compared to 32% city-wide.

Downtown is home to 2% of City’s population but 7% of City’s recent immigrants

Downtown incomes are lower than average. 64% of Downtown residents aged 15 and over have incomes below $20,000 per year, compared to 43% for the City

Downtown has 10% of all jobs in Hamilton. Over 20,000 people work Downtown, one quarter of those in Public Administration. One quarter of Downtown workers earn $60,000+


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