Comment 78749

By CouldaWouldaShoulda (anonymous) | Posted June 21, 2012 at 09:40:16 in reply to Comment 78746

Any other wishes you'd like to confess to while you're at it, Jason?

: )

A city that cannot deal with garbage disposal, cannot deal with ward boundary reform, cannot deal with pro-active downtown development initiatives as opposed to peripheral ones-

I mean, seriously; do you really think there's any greater a chance of this unfolding than playing shinny in Hades?

People can't/won't see 'de-amalgamation' as the false goal that it is. (I was never in favour of amalgmation and still don't believe in it...though I *do* believe in 'strategic alliances'...) The fact is that our councillors *should* be able to lead us into a better future in this Greater Amalgamated City of Hamilton. The problem isn't the's the dearth of leadership and performance.

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